Senate midterm elections

Senate midterm elections

By Kaye Foley
The 2014 midterm elections are just around the corner, and so far forecasts are not indicating blue skies for the Democratic Party. On Nov. 4, it's all about control of the United States Senate.
Republicans will maintain control of the U.S. House of Representatives. But after eight years, they could have the majority in both the House and the Senate again.
The present Senate balance is 53 Democrats, 45 Republicans, and 2 independents who caucus with the Democrats. But 36 seats are up for election this cycle. Republicans need to hold on to their current seats and add an additional six to take the majority. The polls are showing that just might happen.
Democrats are playing defense in a slew of races. Right now the eight most critical contests are in Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, New Hampshire and North Carolina. However, the Republican candidates in five of those states have narrowly taken the lead.

If Republicans control Congress, President Barack Obama will face a new level of gridlock where his legislative agenda is concerned. And his administration could experience an uptick in Senate hearings.
For now the focus is on Election Day, and candidates on both sides are giving it their all in the homestretch. We'll have to wait to see who will control the Senate. But once you watch this video, you can say, "Now I Get It."