Key stats of Facebook, Apple, Google

Key financial statistics for Facebook, Apple and Google. Projections for 2012 are among analysts surveyed by FactSet. Price-to-earnings ratios are based on Tuesday's close.


Price-to-earnings ratio, using earnings from last year: 85.

2011 net income: $1 billion.

2012 projected net income: $993 million.

2011 revenue: $3.7 billion.

2012 projected revenue: $5.1 billion.


Price-to-earnings ratio, using earnings from last year: 13.6.

2011 net income: $25.9 billion.

2012 projected net income: $44.3 billion.

2011 revenue: $108.6 billion.

2012 projected revenue: $162.3 billion.


Price-to-earnings ratio, using earnings from last year: 18.2.

2011 net income: $9.7 billion.

2012 projected net income: $12.5 billion.

2011 revenue: $37.9 billion.

2012 projected revenue: $35.5 billion.


Source: FactSet.