KK Emoji Keyboard review

KK Keyboard performs well as a standard keyboard and offers you a variety of symbols and emoji. The personalization tools and easy usability make this application quite useful, but you may be unhappy with the amount of emoji that do not work.


Customization options: KK Keyboard offers six design themes and a large amount of color settings, giving you a fully personalized keyboard. As we would expect with any other keyboard, this application offers a personal dictionary and supports over 50 languages.

Full functionality: You will find that KK Keyboard performs well, offering features such as gesture typing, similar to Swype, and autocorrect. We found the "Suggest Contact names" tool to be quite useful for messaging, and the next word suggestion often worked well.

Large display: All letters were easy to read in portrait and landscape mode, and the emoji were presented in a larger, more vibrant format than most other keyboards.


Unsupported emoji: KK Keyboard offers you a host of available emoji; however, some of these images could not be seen on our test phone or the receiving device. Additionally, several emoji on the keyboard did not accurately correspond to the emoji that appeared in the text itself.

Bottom Line

KK Keyboard has a limited purpose but accomplishes it very effectively. You will enjoy the control you have over many aspects of this program, but the occasional emoji error may cause some frustration. Even so KK Keyboard will make your keyboard more fun and personalized.

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