Freemake Video Downloader review

Freemake Video Downloader lets you download and convert video files from a wide variety of popular sites, including YouTube. Whether you download videos daily or only on occasion, this app will make the process straightforward.


Parental controls: Freemake Video Downloader gives you the ability to block downloads from adult video sites, hide adult videos, and not show thumbnails from adult videos. This is a feature we haven't encountered before in a downloader, and it's a nice touch that can give you peace of mind if you're using the software on a shared or family computer.

Simultaneous conversions: In addition to downloading, you can also convert videos to different formats through this software. Output options are labeled by device, so whether you want to play the video in question on your iPad, Android device, or PSP, you'll quickly see what to convert it to.


Hulu downloading: Descriptions of this app claim it can download videos from Hulu, but we were never able to do this successfully during testing, even after following all of the suggested troubleshooting options. If you're not interested in downloading from Hulu, this doesn't have to be a huge drawback, as every other site we tested worked well.

Bottom Line

Freemake Video Downloader is a convenient app to have around when you want to download and convert videos on your PC. It can handle quite a few simultaneous downloads, and it offers some nice extra features like the ability to put restrictions on adult videos.

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