Libya Gives Militias a Firm Eviction Notice

After protesters in Bengahzi ran the militias there out of town, the country is seizing on the support of their citizens to give the rest of the armed militias in the country two days notice to get out of the country's military compounds. 

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Libya's streets have been scattered with different armed groups fighting for control ever since the fall of Muammar Qaddafi last year. But ever since the attacks on the American Embassy on September 11, the Libyan people have been fed up with the militia presence in their country. "What happened was a big mess," said General Hamad Belkhair about Friday's events. "But it has left the government clearly in control of the streets." The government is hoping to seize on the "people power" and take full control of the country's military bases. 

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Some of the militias will be allowed to stay on the military bases because they work directly with the government. The Libyan army and security forces aren't large enough or strong enough on their own to survive. 

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Some of the groups told to get out have already disbanded rather than fight. Ansar al-Sharia, one of the militant groups targeted in Bengahzi on Friday and accused of playing a part in the attacks on the embassy, disbanded this weekend after they were run out of town. "Our members have their own normal lives, so everyone will go back to their normal lives and their regular jobs," said one militia leader. 

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