Missing cat returns home after two years

A cat that went missing two years ago has returned to his family.

Sian Williams from the village of Begbroke, Oxfordshire, said her family's pet Nev went missing in May 2022.

This was out of character for the then three-year-old moggy, she said, adding: "I never gave up hope that he would return."

Ms Williams said she saw Nev on the street outside her house on Friday and "my heart raced when I realised it was him".

Remembering when Nev went missing, Ms Williams said: "I was distraught and heartbroken because he was my first ever pet and I questioned if I had done something wrong.

"My mum passed away in 2021 unexpectedly and I lost my nan in 2022 which has had a massive impact on my life.

"When Nev went missing, I felt so sad that I had lost another family member."

'He knew me'

Describing being reunited with her cat, she said: "I had opened the door to put something in the bin and where I live only has one street lamp so it was quite dark.

"I saw this figure lying on the floor about 20 steps away from my front door and realised it was a cat.

"His behaviour seemed familiar and I said, ‘Nev Nev?’ as that was what I called him.

"He came running to me and meowing so I opened my arms and gave him a big cuddle.

"He knew who I was."

Ms Williams plans to take Nev to the vet for check-ups, as he is "a little scruffy" with patches of fur missing, dried scabs and scratches.

She said he seemed curious and nervous but he had made himself at home again "like he never left".

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