Limbaugh Blames the Left for Calling Sandra Fluke a 'Slut'

Limbaugh Blames the Left for Calling Sandra Fluke a 'Slut'

Just after AOL announced it would no longer be advertising on Rush Limbaugh's radio show, he opened Monday's edition with yet another apology to Sandra Fluke for calling her a "slut" and a "prostitute" this time blaming (who else?) the left. "I don't expect morality intellectual honestly from the left," Limbaugh said. "They've demonstrated over and over a willingness to do anything... It's what we fight against every day. In fighting them in this issue last week i became like them... Against my own instincts against, my own knowledge… I descended to their level when I used those two words to describe Sandra Fluke, I descended to their level and I feel very badly about that." Limbaugh -- who did sound sincere, by the way -- said he did not think those "two words" describe Fluke now or last week when he said it. He added there were no ulterior motives and no coded language in his apology posted online Saturday.

RELATED: Rush Scrubs 'Slut' Comment, Demand for Fluke Sex Tapes

He went on to say that Fluke's testimony -- that friends couldn't treat certain medical conditions because her university didn't cover contraceptives -- was unprovable and hearsay. AOL today became the latest advertiser to pull its support from Limbaugh's show.