If you live in California, you can now buy car insurance with this Google tool

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Auto comparison

(Google) Google has officially rolled out the car insurance comparison tool first reported back in January.

As of now, the Google Compare for auto insurance tool is only available to people in California, but the company is planning to roll out more states soon.

The goal, according to Google, is to help users make more car insurance comparisons as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

When I filled out the information for a fictitious car in San Francisco, it really did take me only about five minutes to get more than half a dozen quotes:

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The company has partnered with a mix of national and local car insurance providers and takes a cut when someone buys insurance online or by phone, based on a "flexible cost-per-acquisition model." The company stresses that insurance rankings can't be affected by payment. It has offered this service to UK users since 2012.

"As Google Compare for car insurance rolls out to more states, we’ll also be introducing ratings and reviews, as well as local agent support for providers with agent networks," Google writes.

Check out the site here or simply Google "car insurance" for the comparison option to show up on the right panel.

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