London spa is asking women to ‘let go’ of daily anxieties with touching new video



The stresses women face today are very different than the stresses women faced, 20, 30 even 40 years ago says a study by Sanctuary Spa in London’s Covent Garden.

In 2015, the spa surveyed more than 1,000 British women and found that seven out of 10 felt pressure to be the “perfect woman.” Even if they were flourishing in one role, many felt that they didn’t quite measure up elsewhere, struggling to juggle being the perfect wife, mother, friend and boss.

Of the women surveyed, 80 per cent also felt that they put too much pressure on themselves to do more and be more, despite the fact that on average they completed around 26 tasks per day. This led to 40 per cent feeling burned out and run down, something British researchers claim 12 million other British women can relate to.

One of the most interesting findings was that despite the influx of positive images meant to empower women in the media, 80 per cent of the surveyed women felt that these messages increased pressure and left them with feelings of inadequacy. Probably not the message most promoters were going for.

Being a spa, a business specializing in relaxation, Sanctuary decided to create a short film to tackle these feelings of stress and anxiety. Sitting down with five women between the ages of 55 and 82, the video offers advice on why it’s important to just “let go” sometimes.

“[We’re] on a mission to get women to Relax, Breathe and #LetGo.” the spa writes in the video descriptor. “So we’ve created a film with advice from women who truly know the importance of stepping back every now and then and appreciating life’s precious moments.”

Each women in the video talks about the pressures they see in todays society, discussing how different the lives of their children are and the struggles they witness.

One woman remarks, “mine was a generation of women who burned their bras,” while another adds, “but we were never in danger of burning out.”

While the obvious aim of the campaign is to get people to go to the spa, the video sends an another (more important) message. As each woman recounts the thing they wish they had spent more time on – from cuddling with their young children to kicking up their heels on the dance floor – we’re reminded that life is short and goes by way too fast so more than just letting go, we should learn to enjoy the moment.

“Believe me if I were a young woman now, I spend more time being, not doing,” says the closing message of the video.