Lottery Tickets, Red Pants, and Non-News

Lottery Tickets, Red Pants, and Non-News

We respect and value the social media editors who share the links that make our job easier. But sometimes, we have no idea what they are talking about. So after a long day spent staring at Twitter, we're sharing our favorites.

The worst thing about going in on a group lotto ticket is the delusions of winning

— Page Views (@NYDNBooks) March 29, 2012

It is? Seems like that should be part of the fun. Standing in line at the convenience store, now there's a hassle.

We like red pants.

— GQ Magazine (@GQMagazine) March 29, 2012

They were good enough for the 1975 Cleveland Indians.

New shaw restaurant Table (say it the French way) will serve up relaxed cuisine and encourage lingering over vino:

— The Washingtonian (@washingtonian) March 29, 2012

Or say it any damn way you please, you're the customer. We plan on calling it Bottle.

Have a Dark and Stormy. It's almost April.

— Esquire Magazine (@Esquiremag) March 29, 2012

We're putting seasons on non-seasonal cocktails now? Go back to Washington & Lee.

A real life American castle - with MOAT #housepornthurs

— AOL Real Estate (@aolrealestate) March 29, 2012

Gotta have the moat. A moat is essential. Without it, you're nothing.

Why nothing is really news at all

— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) March 29, 2012

Meta, @BBCWorld. Meta.