All you need is the love between this monkey and his new adopted puppy


The animal kingdom has one thing in common — everyone loves puppies.

TIME reports that recent photographs of a monkey holding onto a puppy were captured in Rode, India. The heartwarming friendship/adoption sent waves of sweetness across the Internet and softened hearts like melted butter.

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Monkey Mothers Puppy_1

See also: Dog teaches its sibling how to pose like a boss

The Facebook posts have been liked over 20,000 times and probably repurposed for countless phone backgrounds.

The adorable friendship is a tribute to the power of animal compassion. A Facebook post from The Logical Indian said the fatherly monkey "makes sure the [puppy's] stomach is full before eating himself" and "protects the pup from other stray dogs."

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Monkey Mothers Puppy_2

Cross-species love, man. It's always something to smile about.