Mad Men: It's Time to Read Way Too Much Into the Promo Photos for the Final Season! (PHOTOS)

Mad Men's final half-season premieres Sunday, April 5 on AMC, and just like the rest of the world, we're dying to know what's in store for Don, Peggy, Joan, Roger, and Sally (everyone else is expendable, really) during the show's seven-episode swan song. Will Peggy come to rule the world? Will Don find happiness? Will Joan just marry Roger already and stop pretending she's not still in love with him?

AMC has released a large set of new promotional photos for Season 7B, which means we can now collectively read way too much into them, as if they hold the keys to Don's soul. This being Mad Men, these sorts of shots generally don't reveal all that much about what's to come, but it's still fun to guess. Remember how the photos from Season 7A were all set at the airport and ultimately symbolized a life in transition? Don and Megan spent most of that half-season apart while she tried to make it as an actress in Los Angeles, and by the end of it, their marriage was over.

So what secrets will this last batch of photos hold? They definitely feature clothing that seems influenced by the '70s, and a few appear to be set during a joyous occasion. Could it be a wedding reception? Perhaps Season 7B will change course a bit and end on a celebratory, happy note? HAHAHA. That was a good joke, right?

Anyway, please check out the photos in the gallery below and join me for one final round of "WTF Does It All Mean, Matthew Weiner?!" I want to hear your own thoughts and theories for the remaining seven episodes!

I definitely didn't expect to see Jessica Pare's Megan back this season; I assumed her time on Mad Men was through when Don and Megan agreed their marriage was over in the Season 7A finale. What do you think brings her back? Based on her outfits, I'd say she's definitely still living in Los Angeles. Also, how cool is Sally Draper? I want to be her when I grow up.

Mad Men returns for its final season on Sunday, April 5 at 10pm on AMC.