Maisie Williams makes Twitter request, gets more than she bargained for

LONDON — Arya and Sansa Stark may be total badasses these days, but it wasn't always that way.

Long before they were battle-hardened by the endless, freezing misery of Westeros, everybody's favourite Game of Thrones sisters were... well, they were just sort of small and adorable.

SEE ALSO: Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner just took friendship goals to a whole new level

On Monday afternoon, Maisie Williams tweeted the following request for old photos of herself and BFF Sophie Turner.

And boy, did the internet deliver:

There are many, many more where those came from too.

When you ask the internet for help, you had better be prepared for the internet to deliver.

BONUS: Watch Maisie Williams prove she is the queen of if we had any doubt.