Man Arrested for Smuggling Roasted Human Fetuses

Sorry in advance for ruining a lovely Friday morning. There's pretty disturbing news coming out of Thailand where authorities have arrested a man for smuggling six roasted human fetuses in his luggage. (We said sorry!)

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According to The Independent's Rob Williams and other news reports, the fetuses had been roasted and covered in gold leaf as part of a ritual. Chow Hok Kuen, a British citizen, was planning to sell them to people looking to get rich. "[P]olice said the suspect bought them for $6,500 several days ago from a Taiwanese man in Thailand and planned to smuggle them into Taiwan and sell them there for up to six times that amount, according to The Global Post. Had he not been stopped, Kuen could've made nearly $40,000 from those six fetuses. "He said he planned to sell the foetuses to clients who believe they will make them lucky and rich," Colonel Wiwat Kamchamnan of Bangkok police, told the AFP.

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What's perhaps more disgusting is that there appears to be a market for fetuses and dead babies. if you recall we had our gag reflexes tested earlier this month when we noted pills containing ground up dead baby remains found in South Korea.

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Photo by: michaeljung via Shutterstock