Man ‘Rents Neighbour’s Airbnb Apartment Under Fake Name And Refuses To Leave’


A man involved in a feud with his neighbours has allegedly rented their Airbnb property under a fake name and refuses to leave.

Couple Michelle Huang and Thomas Payne say their neighbour Sandeep Andre Hingorani moved into their rental apartment in San Francisco under the name “Jim Tako”.

He stayed there for ten months with his friend and his mother until the couple turned off his electricity, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

The couple have filed a court complaint against him for fraud, trespass and trying to cause them “severe emotional distress”.

(Caption: Michelle Huang and Thomas Payne)


(Caption: Sandeep Andre Hingorani is involved in a dispute with his neighbours)

However, Mr Hingorani, who owns properties in the same building as Ms Huang and Mr Payne, claimed they had initially harassed him and wanted to carry out major construction to the building in the Telegraph Hill area.

He said he was being forced out of the building because of rising rents so booked the apartment they put on Airbnb to stay while work was being carried out on his own flat.

The couple bought three units in the building in 2012 and live in an apartment nearby.

They have been squabbling with Mr Hingorani for years over building repairs and money, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

The court case had been put on hold.

(Pictures: Facebook/Tommy Payne/Sandeep Andre Hingorani)