The Many Stoves of Mario Batali; 1 WTC Grows Up

The Many Stoves of Mario Batali; 1 WTC Grows Up

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today: Mario Batali shows off his fancy home kitchen, Bruce Springsteen rewards early arrivals in Los Angeles, and how 1 WTC got so big. 

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Here's a tour of Mario Batali's home kitchen, courtesy of enthusiastic orange-clogged tour guide Mario Batali. It's fascinating, the same way a writer giving a tour of his study is fascinating, and features a compelling argument as to why you absolutely need to equip your kitchen with two stoves -- one for baking and one for heating things up. [via Esquire]

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90 minutes before the scheduled start of his Friday night concert at the Staples Center, Bruce Springsteen moseyed out on the stage and performed "For You" solo and acoustic. The performance was terrific and unexpected, particularly because Los Angeles event attendees are notorious for arriving late to just about everything. This is what they miss out on. [via Stian257]

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Here's the second trailer for The Newsroom, Aaron Sorkin's oft-retitled cable news drama. (We were partial to Newsroom, but it's an improvement on More As This Story Develops.) Unlike the first trailer -- which seemed to suggest Sorkin was still in grim Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip mode -- the new footage is peppier, as if Sorkin and HBO realized they were in danger of losing the Sports Night crowd. This should bring them back in the fold.  [via HBO]

One World Trade Center became New York's tallest building on Monday, a feat that was recapped in under 30 seconds thanks to the miracle of time-lapse photography. Amazingly, it really didn't take that long. [Earth Cam via NY1]

Here is your daily dose of scrumptious-looking food performing beloved rap songs in a stop-motion animated video. Enjoy. [Lrg via Vulture]