Marines, Andrew Cuomo, and Comics

Marines, Andrew Cuomo, and Comics

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: Obama's desire for a one-year extension of Bush-era tax cuts for people making under $250,000 goes against both Republican and Democrat wishes. The Marine Corps’ Infantry Officer Course, "the corps’most grueling school" will be open to women starting in September.

RELATED: France and Britain Swap Roles with U.S. on Libya Military Action

World: Libya's election signals a break in trend among Arab Spring countries as a coalition headed by Western-educated Mahmoud Jibril seems to be winning over Islamists. Ciudad de la Luz, a Spanish movie studio, is an example of Spain's "building binge" now a casualty of financial crisis. 

RELATED: Cuomo in the Hamptons, Children's TV, and Forgeries

U.S.: At Tule Lake, a Japanese internment camp for those considered "disloyal," a pilgrimage serves as a chance to discuss a stigmatized past.

RELATED: U.S. Presence in Libya Is Pushing the Legal Boundaries

New York: Andrew Cuomo is taking cues from the career of his father by not repeating the elder Cuomo's presidential chatter. 

RELATED: Dennis Kucinich Praises Bush, Slams Obama on Libya

Business: Valiant Entertainment, a comics company, hopes to follow in Marvel's footsteps to financial success. 

Technology: Silicon Valley is looking to the computer science program at the University of Washington for new talent. 

Health: Part two in the three part series "Genetic Gamble" tells the story of Beth McDaniel whose "journey to the edge of genetics research turned out to be a decidedly mixed experience."

Sports: Dublane, Scotland cheered for Andy Murray, who lost the Wimbledon championship to Roger Federer yesterday.

Opinion: Jason Howard on Appalachia's "civil war of sorts over coal." 

Theater: Alan Cumming plays the major roles in a "reimagining" of Macbeth.