This might be the best Pokemon Go cheat ever… if you can get it to work

We’ve seen a few ways of cheating at Pokemon Go emerge over the past few weeks, and most of them involve tools that would tell a player what type of Pokemon creature is spawning nearby. But what if there was a way to increase the time you have at your disposal for Incense and Lucky Eggs?

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By using either Incense and Lucky Eggs, you can level-up your Trainer faster than you can with other methods. However, these perks only work for a preset amount of time. Once activated, you’ll have to make the most of them over the next 30 minutes.

With Incense, you attract Pokemon to your location, while Lucky Eggs will double your experience points over the next 30 minutes.

Business Insider found a “crazy simple” hack that lets you use both power-ups for an unlimited amount of time. Here’s how it works: first, you activate your Incense, Lucky Egg or both. Then you go to your phone’s Settings app to the Time and date menu where you need to turn off the phone’s automatic time/date setting. You probably know what the third and final step is: Setting the time back on your phone by up to 30 minutes.

This trick supposedly works on both iPhone and Android.


Getting back to the game, you’ll notice that the time on Incense/Lucky Egg has increased by however much time you’ve moved back the clock (see image above), but the total can't be more than 60 minutes, which is why you can’t set the time back any further than 30 minutes.

The trick should give you plenty of additional time to hunt Pokemon. It might be the best Pokemon Go hack yet, but it’s still a cheat that might be eliminated in a future update. Additionally, some people report that it works perfectly while others haven't had much success with it at all, so your results may vary.

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