Mitt vs. Republicans, Nigeria's Getting Crowded, and Against Living in Sin

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: If Mitt Romney tries to move too far to the center he will face stiff resistance from House Republicans. Cybercrime is very lucrative for some, but most who try it grind out lots of work for little profit. People at the annual NRA convention come to terms with the Trayvon Martin shooting. 

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World: After years of isolation, Iraq is finally being reconnected to the global telecommunications network. Nigeria's population is growing at an alarming rate.

RELATED: Trimming the Times: Cameron on Murdoch; Egypt's Antiques

U.S.:  Early warning systems get credit for saving lives during this weekend's tornado outbreak. Stay-at-home moms are "younger, less educated and more likely to be Hispanic." The children of some American immigrants are growing up and heading back overseas to seek their fortune.

RELATED: Trimming the Times: Hurricane Prep; Casualties in Libya

Opinion: The downside of living with a partner before marriage. More than twice as many veterans die from suicides each year than the total number of soldiers killed during the entire Iraq and Afghan wars.

RELATED: Trimming the Times: Obama on Iran; Boss's Book Review

Health: Medical bills are so disconnected from the actual cost of care that it makes reform impossible. Medical schools try to revise the MCAT admissions test to find doctors who understand people and behavior as well as science. New services and stores are opening in support of breast-feeding moms.

Politics: The Obama campaign is pushing hard in Arizona, a Red State it thinks it has the chance to steal in 2012. Big campaign donors offer some lobbyists a roundabout way to White House access.

Business: Upset over its price structure, an educational book publisher has pulled all its titles from

Books: "Human guinea pig" A.J. Jacobs has a new book about another attempt to improve himself, this time through healthy eating.

Culture: Dating sites are trying to break out of the traditional online profiles and into real world events in order to bring people together. A look at Harvard's "Red Book," a directory on the lives of alumni that's sent to the graduates of every class once every five years.

New York: Competitive admissions for New York City middle schools means test preparation and tutoring services are moving down to elementary age kids. The head of the New York Public Library defends a controversial plan to renovate the main branch.

Theater: A review the musical Peter and the Starcatcher," a steampunk origin story of Peter Pan.

Photo Gallery of the Day: Scenes from the Coachella music festival.