Money Minute: These people are the worst dinner dates

Sometimes even the best of friends can make for the worst dinner dates. I'll tell you who to avoid in this week's Money Minute.

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The cheapskate. You know this person. They’re the one who leaves a $1 tip on a $20 meal. The one who conveniently “has to go to the bathroom” when the check arrives. If you can’t afford a decent tip or your part of the bill, here’s an idea: eat at home.

The friend with Champagne tastes and a Budweiser budget. Why are you taking me to this five star restaurant just so you can order a glass of water and an appetizer? We can get more bang for our buck at plenty of other places.

The surprise group dinner organizer. This is the friend who casually asks you to dinner … without bothering to mention she’s invited 10 other people, too. Splitting the check is a nightmare and someone always gets stuck paying more than their fair share. Usually you. No thanks.

The “sometimes” celiac. One week they refuse to eat anywhere that’s not gluten free. The next week, they have one glass of wine and suddenly they’re elbows deep in a pepperoni pizza. MAKE UP YOUR MIND.

The over-orderer. This is a menu, not Shakespeare, and yet this person will take 30 minutes to decide what they want and another 15 minutes telling the waiter exactly how to prepare it. Nope.

Mandi Woodruff is a reporter for Yahoo Finance and host of Brown Ambition, a weekly podcast about life, love and money.

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