MooO Voice Recorder review

MooO Voice Recorder is a free and compact sound recording app optimized for recording the spoken voice but capable of recording any sound on your PC. It only saves recordings in two formats, MP3 and WAV, but that covers most needs, and plenty of free file converters are available (including one you can install with this software). You'll need a microphone to record your voice. Many laptops have built-in microphones, but most desktop PCs don't.


Recording: You can record Any PC Sound, Any PC Sound with Voice, or Only Voice. A Boost menu lets you boost recording levels up to 500 percent or reduce them to 90 percent.

Cut Silence: The Cut Silence option automatically eliminates silent passages. You can set the threshold and duration of silences as well as options for resuming recording on the Settings menu. The Discard Initial Sound option also offers threshold settings and a Discard on Resume option.

Settings: The Settings menu offers everything from recording speed and MP3 quality to file renaming rules and languages, skins, and transparency. Checkboxes on the front of the layout select options like Keep on Top and Over-Write.


File formats: We noted that MooO Voice Recorder's two formats cover most needs, but we'd still like a few more choices.

Bottom Line

M00O Voice Recorder is a step up from the built-in Windows sound recording tool, though it's just as easy to use. Its voice-optimized recording features make it a top choice for dictation, annotation, recording messages, and similar needs.

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