MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Attacks Iowa, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio in Single Interview (Video)

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews stopped by “Morning Joe” today to get a few things off his chest.

The “Hardball” host started off by calling Iowa’s election process “crazy, stupid caucusing” before praising New Hampshire’s policy that doesn’t involve “cheerleading.”

Matthews then said Marco Rubio took a “swan dive” adding: “Which he should have. When you’re exposed as a robot, people ought to change their opinion of you.”

Also Read: Marco Rubio Apologizes for Poor Performance in GOP Debate (Video)

Ted Cruz was next up on Matthews’ hit list.

“By the way, would somebody tell Senator Cruz, the highly educated — what Harvard law, Princeton? It’s Nev-a-da. It’s Nev-a-da! He’s going to have a hard time out there if he keeps saying ‘Nev-ah-da,'” Matthews said. “You should get the name of the state right when you’re heading there.”

Matthews wasn’t done, calling Cruz “out to lunch” before referring to Hillary Clinton’s latest speech as a “cheerleading session” and “strange.”

Check out the video here.

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