New Hampshire debate stumbles GOP frontrunners before primary


New Hampshire debate stumbles GOP frontrunners before primary

There have been no higher stakes on a Republican debate stage in the 2016 campaign for president than there were Saturday night. At the forum in Manchester the GOP’s frontrunners — Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and real estate tycoon Donald Trump — all hit rough patches. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie jabbed that Rubio, as a senator, doesn’t have the executive experience needed to be president, citing Barack Obama as a cautionary tale. Cruz, fresh off his victory in the Iowa caucuses, also came under withering criticism for controversial political tactics, with one candidate disparaging him for having “Washington ethics” and being willing to test the campaign’s legal limits. Trump argued that eminent domain is an essential tool for building roads, bridges, and hospitals, but was stopped short as Florida Gov. Jeb Bush pointed out his inconsistencies on the matter.

Let me talk. Quiet.

Donald Trump

Seven GOP Republican hopefuls faced off just three days before a make-or-break New Hampshire primary that some of them are not likely to survive.