My aunt decided not to have kids. That doesn’t determine her value — or Kamala Harris’ | Opinion

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Women across America shouldn’t have their value downgraded by politics or any other reason because they decided not to have children or can’t have children. But that doesn’t stop conservatives from going there.

But that’s the latest attack on Vice President Kamala Harris now that she is the Democratic presidential candidate and her Republican opponents led by Ohio Senator JD Vance are grasping for ways to take her down.

It’s only been days since President Joe Biden “passed the torch” to Harris amid concerns that the 81-year-old Biden wasn’t physically up to campaigning for re-election. Since then, Harris has inspired diverse swaths of Americans, from suburban mothers to an electronic dance music-loving queer person.

But just like Hulk Hogan ripping off his shirt, Republicans’ response to Harris was predictable and sad.

Conservatives and Republicans alike believe that Harris’ qualifications aren’t enough to attract voters. Oh no, it’s not enough that she’s served in every level in the state of California, from San Francisco District Attorney to being a U.S. Senator. She’s not a biological mother. Her Husband, Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff has two kids from a previous marriage while

Families across the country benefit from women who choose not to have kids.

My Aunt Ann

I’m sure that conservatives and believers in the nuclear family would agree that one of the biggest and most important things that a mother can do is pass down traditions to their kids.

No one was better at that than my aunt Ann.

She instilled a love in me for NFL football and the Tennessee Titans. Each Sunday she’d bring me to her house and share with me her favorite delicacy: Bologna sandwiches and potato chips. Win or lose, sitting next to her, cheering on the Titans until our faces were red, are beautiful memories that I’ll never forget.

She was the first person that opened my eyes to the joy of storytelling. She was so good that she had me believing that Forrest Gump was a real person. Luckily I found out the truth when I was 20.

But more than that, my family relied on Aunt Ann for everything. When we needed money for rent, she’d provide it. Whenever she came around, we knew that we were getting a gift, whether that was clothes or dinner at Applebees.

My aunt passed away a few years ago, but her lessons of generosity and kindness have shaped me into the person I am today. And for that I’m thankful.

It’s a choice to have kids, but it’s also a decision to be a role model for kids and a provider.

Every woman has a choice

will continue their inept attack on Harris’ character and qualifications, but this particular judgment shows how oblivious they are to the families of Americans.


Millions of women decide that they don’t want to have children and some go on to be the backbone of families, just like my Aunt.

The right to choose is an American staple and American women have the right to decide the role they want to play in a family.

Pushing the thought that Harris not having kids makes her unappealing and makes the Republicans look desperate to weakness.

If this is the road Republicans will choose to go down, disqualifying Harris for the tiniest, insignificant things, their re-election hopes will crash and burn.

Not even Hulk Hogan will be able to save them.