How California opinion journalists saw Thursday’s debacle between Trump and Biden | Opinion

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As California thought leaders reacted to a historic debate on Thursday between President Joe Biden and Republican challenger Donald Trump, the state suddenly returned to the spotlight.

What happened in Georgia ended up feeling like political change back home. California is no stranger to diversity. There is no shared reaction to a factually challenged Trump and a physically challenged Biden. But there is a shared sense that California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, is now a subject of rampant speculation.


For example, California’s McClatchy opinion team wrote a column from their vantage point about the debate.

Columnist Robin Epley believes that the best option for the Democrats and the country is for Biden to step down and let California Governor Gavin Newsom to be the nominee.

Stephanie Finucane does not mince words in her take on the debate. Regardless of a stutter or alleged sore throat, Biden’s performance was weak and shouldn’t make Democrats or anyone relaxed about the November election.

The presidential debate reminded Editorial Writer Tom Philp of the film “Grumpy Old Men” in how the two seasoned candidates were bickering about everything from Gaza to who’s a better golfer.

The night was not the best performance for Biden, but California Opinion Editor Marcos Breton believes he just had a bad night and one lackluster showing doesn’t make Trump look any better.

Columnist LeBron Hill wants to remind Trump and those who have amnesia, that the Charlottesville, Virginia race riot of 2017 was a boiling point in our nation. The role of the president is a moral obligation. Downplaying acts of white supremacy does the seat and our nation a disservice.

From other corners of the Golden State, opinion and editorial writers gave their thoughts on the subject.

For the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board, as important as the presidential election is, the health of California is critical.

“More eyes than ever will be on California after Thursday night’s disastrous presidential debate, with former President Donald Trump’s barrage of lies and President Joe Biden’s frail performance amplifying the spotlight on Gov. Gavin Newsom,” The editorial reads.”

The governor has routinely cast California as a beacon of democracy in a divided world. For the state to live up to that, our leaders will need to seriously clean up their acts.”

L.A. Times columnist Kurt Bardella respects Biden but what he saw on Thursday led him to believe another option for president is best.

“If we accept that the stakes of this election are spectacularly high, it is essential that the Democratic Party put forward the absolute best, most competitive ticket possible. After watching Thursday night’s debate, it is abundantly clear that a Biden-led slate is not that.”

The presidential debate surely captivated the attention of California, the nation and other parts of the world. How this night influences the rest of the election is impossible to predict. In the end, it is your opinion that matters. Your votes here and elsewhere will determine the outcome. Our democracy depends on you.

To both casual observers and veteran journalists, the Thursday debate clearly changed the race. Where this campaign discussion goes, and what we think about it, is the shared national journey that is sure to get bumpy before its conclusion.