California’s unemployment rate unchanged in June — Sacramento-area’s jobless figures rise

California’s unemployment rate in June remained unchanged following an encouraging increase in jobs in May, the state’s Employment Development Department announced Friday.

The state’s unemployment rate held steady while it added 22,500 nonfarm payroll jobs in June, roughly half the number of May when unemployment dipped for the first time in months. June marked the 50th consecutive month California increased jobs numbers, state officials said.

The state gained 107,100 nonfarm payroll jobs over the first six months of 2024, more than double the same time frame last year when 38,400 jobs were added, the EDD said. Unemployment went down in May from 5.3% to 5.2% behind the addition of 43,700 jobs, the most in a month since October 2023.

However, that statewide growth in June was not reflected in figures for the capital region.

Sacramento County saw its unemployment total go to 35,100 from 29,200 people, according to the EDD, increasing the county’s unemployment rate to 4.8% from 4.0%. The total number of employed people fell by 4,100 while the workforce increased by 1,800 people.

Placer County saw its unemployment rate increase to 4.2% from 3.4%. El Dorado County’s rate went up to 4.4% from 3.7%. Yolo County’s rate grew to 5.2% from 4.2%. Despite these increases, those counties’ unemployment rates remained below the state average.

Statewide, seven of the 11 industries tracked gained jobs in June with the biggest gains coming in trade, transportation and utilities, which added 9,800 new jobs. The sector has gained 21,700 jobs since March due to increased traffic at California ports and improved weather of the spring and summer months.

Government jobs grew by 5,200 last month pushing the change over the last 12 months to 60,200. The information sector grew by 4,000 jobs thanks largely to the movie industry, officials said.

Private education and health services grew by 3,200 new jobs in June pushing the total over the last year to 156,600 new jobs. The decline in manufacturing jobs continued by 2,900 in June pushing the total loss to 25,900 since June 2023. State officials said that decrease aligns with the downturn of manufacturing nationally.

The EDD said the number of jobs in the agricultural industry increased by 4,200 jobs in May to 414,800 in June, although that’s 4,300 fewer jobs than the same time last year.

California and Nevada share the highest unemployment rate in the country at 5.2%. Only the District of Columbia is higher, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, at 5.4%. The BLS said unemployment rates in June went up in eight states, lowered in one state, and remained stable in 41. Connecticut was the only state to have its unemployment rate decrease, lowering by 0.4%.