Jorge Pérez: Gov. DeSantis, I urge you to reconsider slashing arts funding in Florida | Opinion

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Like countless other Floridians, I was shocked to learn that Gov. Ron DeSantis had made the shortsighted decision to eliminate more than $32 million in arts and culture grants from our state’s forthcoming budget.

I couldn’t disagree more with Gov. DeSantis’ view that these cuts were made in “the best interests” of the state. With his decision, the governor is actively working against the cultural framework so many of us have dedicated our lives to building.

He also sends a dangerous message to the state’s many city and county governments: the arts are not worth our time or money.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Benefiting everything from public art museums to youth and senior-focused programs, these dollars are a critical lifeline for long-running and nascent arts organizations from Miami to Jacksonville. These initiatives touch the lives of millions of people of all ages – giving them hope, widening their horizons, and inspiring immense creativity. It is no overstatement to say the arts are a foundational part of our society.


The impacts go far beyond Florida’s cultural fabric, however. With these cuts, DeSantis is jeopardizing the economic vitality of our state.

The arts are not a luxury; they are a necessity. They fuel our tourism industry, create jobs, and significantly contribute to our economy.

A prime example of this is Art Basel Miami Beach. What began as a niche event in 2002 has evolved into one of the most important global gatherings of the year, bringing billions of dollars, countless jobs, and immense prestige to our shores. Thanks in part to Art Basel, Miami-Dade reported the arts and culture sector generated more than $2 billion in local economic activity and supported over 31,000 jobs in 2023 alone. On a broader scale, the state’s arts and culture industry reported $5.8 billion in economic activity in 2022, including $2.9 billion generated by nonprofits in the sector.

The arts also have an outsized impact on one of Gov. DeSantis’ biggest goals: attracting corporations and large businesses to the Sunshine State.

My team and I are on the front lines courting these blue-chip companies, and we often find ourselves answering questions about the state’s cultural infrastructure. The leaders of these corporate giants want to know if their staff will have access to the same cultural institutions - from museums to opera houses - as they would in other cities like LA or New York. It’s important to them; how could it not be important to us?

Furthermore, these cuts will disproportionately affect our most vulnerable populations. Many arts programs provide critical educational opportunities for our youth, especially in underserved communities where access to quality arts education is already severely limited. For seniors, arts programs offer more than just a pastime — they provide a sense of community, reduce feelings of isolation, and enhance mental health and well-being. By cutting funding, we are denying these essential benefits to those who need them most and carelessly cutting the quality of life for both our elders and our future generations.

As both a lover of art and a lifelong entrepreneur, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of the arts. They bridge divides, bring people together, and create a shared sense of purpose and identity. The arts are a reflection of our humanity, and when we support them, we are investing in our very future.

Gov. DeSantis, I urge you to reconsider your perspective on this issue. The arts are not an expendable line item on a budget — they are the soul of our communities. Restoring this funding is not just an investment in the arts; it is an investment in the people of Florida.

Let us not be remembered as the generation that turned our backs on culture and creativity. Instead, let us be the generation that championed the arts and recognized their profound impact on every aspect of our lives.

Jorge Pérez chairman and CEO of The Related Group, a Miami-based real estate company. Pérez is a respected art collector and philanthropist The Pérez Art Museum Miami carries his name.