Kamala Harris can contrast what Democrats stand for and Florida’s failed policies | Opinion

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President Joe Biden’s decision not to seek reelection shook up the political landscape in a way we haven’t seen in my lifetime. The selflessness required to step back from the most powerful office in the world and let the next generation lead is the mark of a true patriot — one who cares more about the people he serves than personal ambition.

His sacrifice should be a reminder to all of us about what it means to put our country first.

His decision leaves us with one clear choice to lead the Democratic Party — and the country — moving forward. I’m proud to stand with the overwhelming majority of Florida’s Democratic National Convention delegates to support Vice President Kamala Harris for president.

For the last four years, Harris has worked to restore America’s place on the world stage and strengthen our national security, traveling to more than 20 countries and meeting with over 150 world leaders. She’s helped pass historic legislation to guide us out of the pandemic, rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and lower prescription drug prices.

Most importantly, she’s ready to lead the Democratic Party in the fight to save our democracy. In Florida, we’ve been living as lab rats for Project 2025, Donald Trump’s extreme second-term agenda. Project 2025 would roll back the rights and freedoms of millions of Americans, raise taxes on the middle class to benefit billionaires, and give Trump what he needs to live up to his promise of being “a dictator on day one.”

Harris is battle-tested and ready to prosecute the case against Trump.

We’re already seeing the kind of energy and enthusiasm Harris can bring at the top of the ticket. Democrats are breaking fundraising records since Biden endorsed her, and Gen Z is blowing up social media with memes and videos supporting her candidacy. More importantly, as the Orlando Sentinel reported, Google searches for “register to vote” jumped by over 1,000% after the announcement — and the biggest boost happened in Florida, with Miami-Dade County leading the charge.

The message is clear: Harris is giving Floridians who were ready to give up on politics a reason to pay attention.

And when Floridians are paying attention, they’re going to notice the difference between what Republicans in Tallahassee are offering and what Florida Democrats stand for.

We believe in making Florida more affordable for you. You shouldn’t have to choose between buying groceries and paying for property insurance, and you shouldn’t have to spend half of your income on the cost of housing.

We believe in protecting your right to healthcare, including access to abortion up to viability. Politicians don’t belong in your doctor’s office, and they shouldn’t weigh in on your personal medical decisions.

We believe that the government should be accountable to the people it serves. Nobody should be above the law, especially the people we elect to lead us — and our leaders should govern with our best interests in mind, not their own.

I’m proud to say that Florida Democrats are more united than ever, and we’re answering the call to action every day. We’re building a big-tent coalition — one where people who feel left behind by the extremism in the Republican Party can find a political home, and where solving the problems facing Florida is the top priority.

If you’re tired of culture wars, attacks on education, kicking kids off of healthcare, dictating what kind of care doctors can give, and the rest of Republicans’ government overreach, then pay attention to the Democrats on your ballot this fall. From Harris all the way down to your local school boards, we’re fired up and ready to take back Florida — for all of us.

Nikki Fried is chair of the Florida Democratic Party and former Florida agriculture commissioner.