MAGA Suddenly Praises Biden-Trump Debate Format They Flipped Out About

Trump supporters spent weeks railing that Thursday’s presidential debate between Biden and Trump would be rigged in favor of Biden, fuming about CNN’s moderation restrictions and spinning conspiracies that the debate moderators were biased against Trump. After insisting Trump would lose the debate and raging that CNN’s fact-checker would be fact-checking the debate, Trump supporters quickly changed their tune.

Twitter screenshot Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr: I actually like this format for my father. Keeping him disciplined and focused. He’s dismantling Biden’s disastrous and failed policies one by one piece by piece. ������������
Twitter screenshot Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr: I actually like this format for my father. Keeping him disciplined and focused. He’s dismantling Biden’s disastrous and failed policies one by one piece by piece. ������������
Twitter screenshot Ronny Jackson @RonnyJacksonTX: Very SAD at this point. This has crossed the line and is just elder abuse at this point. PLEASE stop this and let Joe go to bed!!
Twitter screenshot Ronny Jackson @RonnyJacksonTX: Very SAD at this point. This has crossed the line and is just elder abuse at this point. PLEASE stop this and let Joe go to bed!!
Twitter screenshot The Nasty Italian������ ����@sayitnspinit: I'm actually shocked that Tapper and IBash is letting Trump speak
Twitter screenshot The Nasty Italian������ ����@sayitnspinit: I'm actually shocked that Tapper and IBash is letting Trump speak

Trump supporters and Trump himself spent the lead-up to the debate claiming that Biden would be buzzing out of his skin doped up on drugs, and instead found themselves—like most viewers—stunned at Biden’s mellowness, which the Biden team claims is due to a cold.

Twitter screenshot Vivek Ramaswamy @VivekGRamaswamy: They didn’t drug up Biden. They lobotomized him instead.
Twitter screenshot Vivek Ramaswamy @VivekGRamaswamy: They didn’t drug up Biden. They lobotomized him instead.