More than 15% of Americans don’t know how to swim, new study shows. What about California?

Nearly one in 11 adult Californians do not know how to swim, according to a recent study.

California, which shares a coastline with the Pacific Ocean, boasts more than 3,000 lakes and a high pool-to-people ratio — 29 people for every swimming pool.

The Golden State landed on Poolonomics’ list of the top three states with the “lowest percentage of non-swimmers.”

Poolonomics, launched in 2017, is a team of swimming pool and hot tub experts who publish pool and spa care tips.

New Jersey led the pack, with 8.6% of adults unable to swim. That’s lower than any other state and nearly half of the national average of 16.3%, the swimming pool company said.

California took the second spot with 10.9%, followed by Florida in third place with 11.1%.

“State variations call for localized interventions, such as subsidized swimming lessons or infrastructure improvements in areas with higher non-swimmer rates,” researchers wrote in an article titled “2024 Survey: 16.3% of American Adults Don’t Know How to Swim.”

“These efforts will require a deep understanding of local socio-economic conditions and geographical accessibility.”

Which state has the most swimmers?

That title is reserved for New Jersey, though the study reveals little correlation between proximity to water and a higher swimming proficiency.

Maine and Alaska, home to two of the nation’s longest coastlines, have some of the highest percentages of non-swimmers.

Researchers added that societal rules, educational opportunities and public water safety policies must be further explored to draw a comprehensive conclusion.

What are the top 10 states with the most swimmers in the US?

These states were among the top 10 places with the most swimmers, according to Poolonomics:

  1. New Jersey

  2. California

  3. Florida

  4. Connecticut

  5. Massachusetts

  6. Michigan

  7. Arizona

  8. Ohio

  9. Nevada

  10. Rhode Island

Swimming disparity between genders

Men swim better than women, according to the study.

Adults who identified as non-swimmers ranged from 8.6% to 25%, with a national average of 16.3%.

In total, 61.8% were women and 38.2% were men.

How did Poolonomics come up with its rankings?

Poolonomics asked 3,000 American adults, ages 18 and up, across all 50 states the same question: “Can you swim?”

The swimming pool company used a two-step process based on age and geography. Internal data sources were used to gather population data sets to generate percentages.

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