Union Pacific is closing parts of Sheldon Road in Elk Grove for railroad repairs. Here’s when

Elk Grove drivers should expect detours on parts of Sheldon Road starting Wednesday as construction to repair the railroad track crossings begins near Elk Grove Florin Road.

According to a city news release, Union Pacific Railroad will close off sections of Sheldon Road, and drivers will have to use Power Inn Road to access alternate routes to Bond and Calvine roads.

Union Pacific Railroad traffic control technician Alphonso Davis said that the construction, which “hasn’t been done in years,” is a routine maintenance repair to prevent tire damage to vehicles that travel along Sheldon Road, crossing over the train tracks.

The maintenance work will close off parts of Sheldon Road beginning Wednesday and is expected to reopen Friday afternoon.

“They’re going to redo the railroad crossing right there,” Davis said. “They’re going to pull out those pads that are in there. They’re going to redo the rail, the track and actually the asphalt right there at that crossing.”

Elk Grove public affairs manager Kristyn Laurence said commuters who live in the area will still be able to maneuver through their neighborhoods.

However, navigating travel on the main street will require other options.

“The smaller streets will be open to the residents living in the area, but anyone needing to go east on Sheldon Road will need to use Power Inn Road to Calvine Road or from Power Inn Road to Bond Road.”

There will be traffic control next to the detours showing motorists which way to go, Davis said.

“It’s time, it’s time to do them. It’s time they did the maintenance on them,” Davis said. “One, the maintenance thing has to be done. And two, it’s actually for safety purposes.”

Davis said there’s someone who surveys the tracks with a special vehicle that connects a computer to specially equipped wheels that can detect when the railroad crossings need to be serviced.

“If we don’t repair, a lot of tires are going to get ruined. There will be people making complaints about their rims or tires. They might get their tires popped because those pads, when they start moving, they won’t stay in place.”

Davis said they will perform the same work at the railroad maintenance at the Bond Road crossing at a later date, which has not yet been determined.