Stories for you

  • ScienceAssociated Press

    China calls on scientists of all nations to study lunar samples, but notes obstacle with the US

    China's space officials said Thursday they welcomed scientists from around the world to apply to study the lunar rock samples that the Chang'e 6 probe brought back to Earth in a historic mission, but noted there were limits to that cooperation, specifically with the United States. Officials said at a televised news conference in Beijing meant to introduce the mission's achievements that any cooperation with the U.S. would be hinged on removing an American law that bans direct bilateral cooperat

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  • ScienceBusiness Insider

    A frozen wolf discovered in Siberia turned out to be 44,000 years old. It's so well-preserved that scientists are checking its gut for ancient viruses.

    Locals found this first-of-a-kind Pleistocene wolf in Siberia. It's so mummified that scientists hope to find remnants of its last meal in its belly.

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  • ScienceLive Science

    Ancient Egyptian 'office workers' had terrible posture just like us, disfigured skeletons reveal

    The development of osteoarthritis was more common among scribes than their ancient Egyptian peers, a study finds.

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  • USAssociated Press

    Judge stops parents' effort to collect on $50M Alex Jones owes for saying Newtown shooting was hoax

    A federal bankruptcy judge on Thursday stopped an effort by the parents of a boy killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting to begin collecting on some of the $50 million they won in a lawsuit against conspiracy theorist Alex Jones over his false claims that the massacre was a hoax. Lawyers for Scarlett Lewis and Neil Heslin, whose 6-year-old son Jesse Lewis died in the 2012 Connecticut shooting, had obtained an order from a state judge in Texas earlier this month allowing them to begi

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  • BusinessBusiness Insider

    US stockpiles of the rare earth minerals it would need to fight a war against an adversary like China are a mystery, and experts warn it's a problem

    Whether the US rare earth minerals stockpile is ready for an emergency is shrouded in mystery, but there are indications it isn't.

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  • BusinessMoneywise

    Warren Buffett believes the vast wealth gap in America is due to 1 'inevitable consequence'

    "The poor are most definitely not poor because the rich are rich."

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  • WorldAssociated Press

    Judge tells Prince Harry to explain how communications with ghostwriter were destroyed

    Prince Harry was hit with a hefty legal bill Thursday and ordered to explain how communications with the ghostwriter of his memoir were destroyed after an attorney for The Sun tabloid accused him of engaging in “shocking” obfuscation in his lawsuit claiming the newspaper violated his privacy by unlawfully snooping on him. Judge Timothy Fancourt said it was troubling that all communications between the Duke of Sussex and writer J.R. Moehringer, along with all drafts of the best-selling “Spare,"

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