North Korean Missiles, a Mastermind in Algeria, and Johansson Over Broadway

Behind the New York Times pay wall, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: Thom Shanker and David Sanger report that American intelligence have found missile launchers on the move in North Korea, which "has spurred new assessments of the intentions of the country's young new leader, Kim Jong-un."

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World: The "mastermind" of the Algerian hostage crisis is called "the Prince" by followers. 

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U.S.: Times/CBS poll finds that the Newtown massacre is changing public opinion on guns in a way others have not. 

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New York: Joseph L. Lhota who is now officially running as a Republican candidate for mayor is "something of a throwback: an unapologetically outsize personality, known throughout his career for big emotions and an uninhibited style." 

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Media & Advertising: Margalit Fox's obituary of Pauline Phillips, a.k.a. Dear Abby, whose column read as "if Damon Runyon and Groucho Marx had gone jointly into the advice business." 

Business: Shell's rivals are watching to see how the company fares in its Alaskan Arctic drilling program, and the "answer, so far at least, is not well." 

Sports: Juliet Macur writes that Lance Armstrong "could not help fighting." 

Opinion: Nathan K. Lujan, Devin D. Bloom and Cynthia Watson on how television shows "gloss over the most awful truths of gold mining, particularly as it is practiced in the tropics." 

Arts: Scarlett Johansson offers a "lifeline" to a production of Cat on the Hot Tin Roof on Broadway.