And now for some good news... Here's how to make a bajillion bucks from your app idea


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You may have the best (or the siliest) idea in the world. How do you make it the next "Angry Birds"?

ZDNet's David Gewirtz asked exactly that. As a former iPhone developer, he made a few (thousand!) bucks with more than three-dozen silly, simple apps.

Want some more good news?

But now that seemingly everyone has a slice of the Apple App Store or Google Play pies, how does one stand above the crowd and make the next app everyone goes nuts for?

It's not as difficult as many might think. In fact, it's surprisingly heartening to think that some of the world's biggest apps now, from Instapaper to feed reader Unread, started from humble beginnings.

It's not to say that people are going to be lining up to throw cash in your general direction one morning, but Gewirtz's in-depth look at how an idea can sprout from nowhere through to the money-making process is one of the more optimistic reads of the year. 

Get the coffee brewing, and break out the books. Whether you're a serial entrepreneur with a team of developers, or you're one person with an idea and a spare few hours, you're both in the same boat.

Apps come from somewhere. Not all succeed. But at least with Gewirtz's words of wisdom, you'll know where to start.

Read on: So you have an app idea and want to make a bajillion bucks

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