The NRA's Domestic-Violence Trap, a Transgender Battle, and Drone Degrees

Behind the New York Times pay wall, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: Many states do not force those against whom protective orders have been filed to give up their firearms, which often results in gun-related tragedy — and there's a direct line to the NRA. 

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World: Officials are worried about what becomes of Mali after France withdraws their troops

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U.S.: In Colorado a 6-year-old who was born a boy but identifies as a girl is at "the heart of legal dispute that is likely to test Colorado's anti-discrimination law, which expanded protections for transgender people in 2008." 

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New York: A cab driver recorded conversations in the back of his cab and strung them together in an "audio collage"—he also got into an accident with actor Adrian Grenier.

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Business: The University of North Dakota is offering a degree program in unmanned aviation, making it just one of the many organizations "preparing for a brave new world in which cheap remote-controlled airplanes will be ubiquitous in civilian air space."  

Sports: No. 1 in college basketball "seemed like the most cursed" number this year

Opinion: Alexander N. Songorwa on the paradox of hunting in Tanzania

Music: Jon Pareles on SXSW's mix of "baby bands" and "of sponsorship, of branding and of marketing spring releases by well-known headliners." 

Television: Alessandra Stanley reviews Bates Motel, which she says "has a split personality, a Hitchcock classic grafted onto a much more mundane brand of suspense."