This ‘NSA Haiku Generator’ Turns Paranoia Into Poetry

Gets it. (Photo: NSA Haiku Generator)
Gets it. (Photo: NSA Haiku Generator)

Gets it. (Photo: NSA Haiku Generator)

Deciphering the ongoing NSA saga is very confusing and gives us a headache. So, why not compound our misery with the NSA Haiku Generator, a completely pointless single-serve website. If we wanted to invest this much effort, we'd use it to figure out what's actually happening.

Pulling flagged terms that government uses to decide you're a terrorist (sardine is one?), the generator computes a completely nonsensical haiku relating to the massive spying program. It was designed by programmer Grayson Earle, a self-described information artist, who juxtaposed the chilling program with 8-bit video game-like graphics.

It's also a fun way to learn the words big government is tracking, like lacrosse.

We toyed around with it for a bit and our favorite one included the word Illuminati. Even the government is concerned about Beyonce's continuing involvement in controlling the world. The creations can be shared on social media if your NSA file needs padding.

Sure, it's useless and serves no point, but what else are you going to do until your Uber kittens are delivered?

(Via PSFK)