This Obama "Back to Back" Parody Video Is Hilarious

A Barack Obama impersonator dropped a hilarious spoof of Drake's "Back To Back" dissing Donald Trump.

Depending on who you ask, Drake's "Back To Back" seemed like a nail in the coffin for Meek Mill. The track almost immediately followed the release of the Toronto rapper's initial Meek diss "Charged Up," and it was an undoubtedly savvy move to release a second track before Meek dropped his first.

You know who else knows a thing or two about going back to back? Barack Obama. Not only did POTUS win a second term in the White House, he also made a back to back joke that far predated Drake's song, telling the then-reigning NBA championship San Antonio Spurs in January, "If you guys need any tips on winning back to back, you know where to find me." Now, Obama has his own spin on the instantly-infamous Drake diss too. Kind of.

A familiar Obama impersonator released a Drake spoof video over the weekend that brilliantly flips the Meek Mill takedown into an all-out attack on Trump. In the spoof vid we get bars (on bars) like, "I should’ve let Univision host your debate / You gon’ make me buy bottles for John McCain / You gon’ make me go buy you a new toupee.” Ouch.

Watch the whole thing above.

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