Obama Didn't Wear A Tie During Today's Press Conference

President Barack Obama addressed the nation today about the crisis in Iraq and Ferguson, Missouri. Technically still on vacation, Obama decided not to wear a tie. The Internet, of course, had something to say about the untied president:

Apparently the president looks like a Denny's employee:

Answer: Yes.

Obama might also work at a grocery store:

Maybe he’s setting trends?

And maybe his hair isn't okay too? 

We're not so sure about this theory:

Well he does also look kind of sleepy.

We're sorry.

And when tie-gate was finally over, Corey Booker (probably) subtweeted the President.

He's had a rough couple weeks.

This article was originally published at http://www.thewire.com/national/2014/08/obama-didnt-wear-a-tie-during-todays-press-conference/378717/

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