Obama's Latest Campaign Donor Is ... Obama

Obama's Latest Campaign Donor Is ... Obama

President Obama donated $5,000 to his campaign he announced Tuesday, mostly, it seems, so that he could e-mail supporters about it. $5,000 is the maximum an individual can donate to a campaign, though Obama isn't limited to that number and could also donate to PACs and Democratic National Committee funds that help his re-election effort. Indeed, the fundraising e-mail he sent out to announce this shows that it's pretty symbolic:

Yesterday, I made my first donation to support this campaign. On its own, what I gave won't be enough to surmount the unprecedented fundraising we've seen on the other side, both from our opponent's campaign and from the outside groups and special interests supporting him.

Mitt and Ann Romney both donated $75,000 to the Romney-Republican National Committee Victory Fund in May, The Hill notes, adding that Obama didn't contribute to his 2008 campaign, though his wife gave $399, which, to put it in perspective, is about .00006 percent of their total fundraising haul that year.

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Update: The campaign's even released a video of Obama donating complete with feel-good guitar strumming soundtrack. 

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