Obscure Bug in Dragon Age: Inquisition Limits Companion Chat

"We basically needed that guy that shuts down the Ghostbusters containment unit," creative director Mike Laidlaw said.

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Hardcore Dragon Age fans have gradually come to notice that the latest instalment in the series is not as talkative as expected.

Though the previous game in the series was packed with dialogue between the player and their trio of AI-controlled companions, in Dragon Age: Inquisition the talking is more tentative.

Due to discussions about the absence of chatter on various Dragon Age and EA forums, developer BioWare has discovered that this is likely due to an unknown glitch in the code. If the bug is found and remedied, companions will be far more conversational.

Now Allan Schumacher, a QA analyst at BioWare, is asking fans who have played the game for more than sixty hours to explain to him their experience and share their save files. The more people do this, the more likely it is that Schumacher can locate the source of the problem.

The community thread for messaging Schumacher is found on the BioWare website, though discussions have also spilled out to the EA Help Forum and Reddit.

Dragon Age: Inquisition shipped on November 18 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC. GameSpot's review was glowing, with critic Kevin VanOrd writing: "Dragon Age: Inquisition is a wonderful game and a lengthy pilgrimage to a magical world with vital thematic ties to one we already know".

The EA-published game has also garnered favourable reviews among most critics.

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