How One Blogger Paid Off $55,000 of Debt

Every year, millions of Americans swear to themselves that this is the year that they will finally become debt-free. The reality is that it can be really hard to dig yourself out of debt.

I am the former owner of a pile of consumer debt and it was several years of mindless consumption before I figured out how much it was costing me in terms of money and emotional stress. It took me a little less than four years to pay off $55,000 of debt and it required me to make certain sacrifices, along with following a payment strategy that saved me money in the form of paying less interest. The following strategies so you can tackle your own debt with my multi-pronged approach.

Your biggest enemy in your efforts to pay off debt are interest rates. It's important to know how much you're being charged in interest to service your debt. The following suggestions can help you to minimize or eliminate paying interest altogether.

Reduce interest rates.

A surefire way to save yourself hundreds if not thousands of dollars while paying down debt is to slash interest. offers several credit card calculators to help you see just how much you can potentially save on interest rate charges.

For example, if you owe $5,000 on a credit card with a minimum payment of $150 and an 18 percent annual interest rate and you switch your balance to a card with a 9 percent annual interest rate, you would save over $1,100 in interest, plus shave seven months off of your repayment timeframe.

Take advantage of a 0 percent introductory rate.

Once you have a solid credit score, ideally one above 700, it's worth taking the time to find a credit card that offers a promotional balance transfer with a 0 percent interest rate. In order for this strategy to be beneficial, avoid charging any new amounts on the promotional card and ensure that you can pay off the transferred amount prior to the expiration of the balance transfer offer.

Consider the "debt avalanche" method.

Some people decide to first focus on paying off the debt with the lowest balance. This is mainly for the psychological "win" that can serve as an incentive for them to continue with their efforts. Many others including myself have used what's called the Debt Avalanche method, which is outlined below in a few easy steps.

First, order your debts from the highest interest rate to the lowest (regardless of the balance). Next, make the minimum payments to all of your debts each month. Third, use all remaining income after expenses to pay the debt with the highest interest rate. Finally, once the first debt on the list is paid, take the minimum payment on the debt you paid off, along with the remaining income and attack the second debt on the list. Repeat until you're done.

Mathematically speaking, this method is the faster and more efficient way of getting out of debt while saving you money in the process.

Consolidate your debt.

Another option would be to combine all of your consumer debt in one place. Managing several lines of credit can be time consuming and stressful. It's not unusual for banks to offer those with good credit the opportunity to consolidate their debt with a bank loan that will often charge less interest that what they are currently paying.

You will undoubtedly pay less interest over the course of a three-year loan versus a five-year term, however it's wise to select a payment timeframe that is realistic given your current income and household expenses.

Borrowing money from a trusted family member or friend to pay off your debts is another form of debt consolidation but I would advise you to consider this very carefully. This alternative is one that I would only advocate once you are absolutely committed to making every payment on time. The effects of not respecting the terms of such a loan typically results in a very strained relationship. Whether the loan is a low to no interest loan, ensure that the terms of the agreement are drafted on paper and signed by both parties.

However you decide to approach paying off debt, it's in your best interest to find ways to pay less while improving your net worth and emotional well-being. Believe me when I say that the financial freedom gained from living without consumer debt is worth the extra effort.

Kassandra Dasent is a freelance writer, business consultant, wife and stepmom. She is the founder of More Than Just Money, where she discusses a variety of topics and personal experiences that intersect with money.