One of the founders of Ben & Jerry's has a recipe for Bernie Sanders ice cream

ben and jerrys bernie sanders
ben and jerrys bernie sanders

(Skye Gould/Business Insider)

Ben & Jerry's ice cream co-founder Ben Cohen has a pretty sweet idea for the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont).

Sanders officially launched his White House bid on Tuesday with a large rally that featured free treats provided by Cohen and his partner in cream, Jerry Greenfield. In a conversation with Business Insider on Wednesday, Cohen, whose Vermont-based company created the iconic ice cream flavors Cherry Garcia, and Chunky Monkey, discussed the recipe he'd make to represent Sanders.

Cohen said his flavor would be called "Bernie's Rebellion" and would include ingredients designed to commemorate Sanders' left wing positions.

"What would be in it? All good things," Cohen said. "I mean, there might be some chocolate chips molded in the shape of a cap that you wear for graduation to symbolize his stance in favor of free college education and reduced student loan rates. I think that there might be equal numbers of peanuts and pecans to symbolize his initiatives to reduce economic inequality."

The Republican National Committee previously circulated a much less flattering list of potential Sanders ice cream flavors.

Sadly for Sanders fans, "Bernie's Rebellion" is unlikely to hit store shelves. The conglomerate Unilever made a deal to purchase Ben & Jerry's in 2000. Cohen said he would gladly make a Sanders ice cream, but after the sale, he and Greenfield no longer have "authorization" to individually make new flavors.

"Jerry and I, we're both officially employees of the company," Cohen explained. "Our role is co-founder."

Furthermore, while Ben & Jerry's has taken many stances on various social causes, Cohen said the company doesn't support individual political figures.

"The company has a policy of taking stands on issues, but not taking stands and favoring a particular politician," said Cohen.

Though Cohen would love to make an ice cream flavor for Sanders, he's not interested in crafting a recipe for the senator's main Democratic rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"Nope," said Cohen when we asked if he'd design a flavor for Clinton. "I would not be inspired enough to do that."

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