Here’s one way for BlackBerry diehards to stick it to T-Mobile

Despite huge subscriber gains, the ‘Un-carrier’ is once again unprofitable

If there’s one thing BlackBerry diehards hate more than Ryan Seacrest these days, it’s T-Mobile. The reason for this hatred stems T-Mobile’s ill-considered decision to send BlackBerry fans targeted promotions that encouraged them to switch to Apple’s iPhone, which obviously didn’t sit well with the remaining BlackBerry faithful. Although T-Mobile tried to make it up to them with new promotions on new BlackBerry 10 devices, BlackBerry itself decided to pull the plug on its relationship with the “Uncarrier” by revoking its right to sell its devices.

And now TmoNews points out that BlackBerry has taken its war with T-Mobile to the next level and has started offering T-Mobile BlackBerry owners $100 off when they order any BlackBerry smartphone from the company’s own online store. This new initiative may encourage BlackBerry users to buy unlocked new devices that they can then bring to other carriers who haven’t openly angered the one-time smartphone dynamo from Waterloo.

On the other hand, T-Mobile CEO John Legere recently pointed out that while he values all of his customers, BlackBerry users only account for around 1% of them. So while Legere would certainly prefer to keep BlackBerry fans as customers, he certainly won’t miss them like he’d miss, say, iPhone fans or Samsung Galaxy fans.

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