Some other dude named Mike Pence is owning his @mikepence Twitter handle

Governor Mike Pence, a.k.a. the Vice President-elect of the U.S., doesn't own the @mikepence Twitter handle. That's because someone else already grabbed it.

And it's a dude who fervently does not support the Vice President to be. 

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Not-famous Pence's perfect pinned tweet, using a quote from Office Space character Michael Bolton, says it all:

Twitter's first Mike Pence has been a member of Twitter since April 2007, while the VP-elect's two accounts were created in Aug. 2008 Feb. 2009. 

Non-Governor Pence's bio reads, "Software developer, writer, and speaker. Recent marathoner and grandpa. Not a Christo-fascist politician," distinguishing himself from the politician.

After Trump announced Governor Pence as his VP, Twitter Pence spoke with NY Mag.

"[T]he vast majority of people are not paying any attention to what I have actually said on my Twitter account, or they would know that I am a liberal, atheist, ex–Jehovah’s Witness computer programmer, and not a bigoted shill for the Republican party who is all-too-happy to throw Muslims under the bus for a chance at power," he said.

In case you aren't yet convinced that Mike Pence and Mike Pence would not get along, the non-politician Pence has a catalog of witty tweets that make it even clearer.

This Mike Pence might also have great success as a politician. 

Mashable has reached out to Mike Pence for comment and will update this story if he responds.