Art sleuths believe long-lost Da Vinci found

da Vinci
Florence mayor Matteo Renzi, left, and Terry Garcia, executive vice president for Mission Programs for the National Geographic Society, pose at the end of a press conference to present the search of the lost Leonardo da Vinci fresco "Battle of Anghiari" , in Florence, Monday, March 12, 2012. Maurizio Seracini, the Italian engineer leading the hunt for the "Battle of Anghiari," an unfinished mural by Leonardo, announced the first results of technological sleuthing, saying an analysis shows the red, black and beige paint found are consistent with organic paint Leonardo used for his frescoes. The suspected fresco is concealed behind a more recent wall, so researchers had to take samples for lab analysis. (AP Photo/Francesco Bellini)

Art sleuths said on Mar. 12 they believe they have found traces of a Leonardo Da Vinci masterpiece on a hidden wall in a palace in Florence that has not been seen in over four centuries.