The Best Home Workouts for 2016

When you’re healthy, you feel better, you look better, and are all around happier. But maintaining a good physique isn’t always the easiest, especially as we get older. And with the New Year right around the corner, we’re all bound to, well, first of all probably all feel like we’ve put on a ton of weight, and, worse, fell older! And let’s face it, going to a gym isn’t necessarily the most fun and exciting prospect for most of us.

Unlike the aerobics videos of the past, home workout programs today are more complete exercise solutions. Many featuring fitness routines, diet plans, online interactivity and more. There are no magic weight loss potion and you will have to work, but know that if you select a quality workout routine and put forth the effort, you will see results, and you will see them quickly. To help you get started, here is a list of the top home workout programs. Links to each one so you can check them out yourself and find the one that’s best suited for you. Be advised, these aren’t your usual home workouts and may need an initial sign-off from your physician. Push yourself, but not too hard. Have a happy new year!