Conjoined twins separated in Texas

Knatalye and Adeline Mata shared an intimacy most twins will never know.

They had lived face-to-face, heart-to-heart, sharing every breath as conjoined twins since they were born 10 months ago. But to give them both a chance at an independent life, the two infant girls underwent a highly complicated and risky surgery at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston to be separated.

Each separation surgery is different, and presents its own challenges and potential complications. Texas Children's Hospital officials said they hadn't performed a separation surgery this complicated before. But the twins’ parents, Elysse and Eric Mata, decided they had no other choice than to put their babies through the surgery.

“I want to give them a shot at a normal life as much as possible,” Elysse Mata said. “I feel like they've come this far, why hold back? Why not follow through? Why not give them that chance?” (ABC News)

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