Hydrospeeding through the Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland

These incredible images show the moment two brave adventurers decided to body board down Europe’s longest glacier. Seen carving their way through the icy rivers of the Aletsch Glacier, a UNESCO world heritage site in Switzerland, the pair risked their lives for an adrenalin rush of a whole new kind. Mounted on their body boards as part of a sport known as hydrospeeding, the daredevils risked being carried away by strong currents and even drowning in hidden crevices to complete the winding seven-mile journey. But if that wasn’t dangerous enough, the duo also ran the risk of being overwhelmed by collapsing glacial lakes that could be released into the river at any moment. Luckily, Swiss mountain guide, Claude-Alain Gailland and canyon activity specialist, Gilles Janin, are part of only a handful people in the world qualified enough to perform the treacherous run. (Caters News)

Photographs by David Carlier/Caters News

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