Moore, Oklahoma - Now and Then: Rebuilding continues one year later

When the storm came, it wasn't a surprise. Tornadoes have a habit of ripping through town, and the forecasters had been warning for days that another was going to descend from dark clouds sure to gather in the late afternoon.
(See RELATED STORY by Holly Bailey/Yahoo News)

The only question was: What horror would this tornado wreak this time? A year later, the answers still scar the Oklahoma City bedroom community of Moore.

In all, 24 people died in the May 20, 2013, storm, among them seven children killed inside a school that didn't have a shelter. Hundreds were injured. Thousands of homes and other buildings were removed from the map.

The recovery from the tornado, twisting with 210 mph winds as it took 39 minutes to carve its 17-mile-long path of destruction, remains halting.

Neighborhood streets end in dirt roads with piles of rubble and tree roots. There are new homes that have taken the place of those lost, and broken houses that still bear the spray paint markings left after emergency responders searched for any dead inside. (AP)