The #tailofthedragon has officially #jumpedtheshark when a Harley dealership is at the base of the route. Here’s a tip if you decide to do it: Don’t bother. Far too many blue-haired, turgid, motorcycle riders who don’t understand the idea of a turnout to make it worth your while. Go instead around the area. Far, far, better. (at Tail of the Dragon)

The #tailofthedragon has officially #jumpedtheshark when a Harley dealership is at the base of the route. Here’s a tip if you decide to do it: Don’t bother. Far too many blue-haired, turgid, motorcycle riders who don’t understand the idea of a turnout to make it worth your while. Go instead around the area. Far, far, better. (at Tail of the Dragon)

The #tailofthedragon has officially #jumpedtheshark when a Harley dealership is at the base of the route. Here’s a tip if you decide to do it: Don’t bother. Far too many blue-haired, turgid, motorcycle riders who don’t understand the idea of a turnout to make it worth your while. Go instead around the area. Far, far, better. (at Tail of the Dragon)